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Learn Drug War Spanish Here

Aprende español sobre la guerra contra las drogas aquí.

by Ballard Quass, the Drug War Philosopher

June 30, 2024

elcome to Spanish Drug War 101, where we will be learning the Spanish language while trashing the Drug War in all 18 of its verb tenses. We will start our lessons today, appropriately enough, with the verb "odiar," the Spanish word for "hate," so that we can easily communicate our contempt for the counterproductive policy of prohibition when we're down south. Speaking of which, get those field trip forms signed for our upcoming flight to San Jose del Pacifico in Oaxaca, Mexcio. We will be going down there this fall to learn about the time-honored Zapotec practice of ingesting mushrooms for medicinal and psycho-spiritual purposes.

Don't forget to click the audio button above to hear the sample sentences for all 18 of the possible Spanish conjugations of the verb "odiar," to hate. And stay tuned for more Drug War Spanish in the weeks to come!


to hate

Indicative Present
yo: Yo abro la puerto.
I am opening the door.


to hate

Indicative Preterite
yo: Yo abro la puerto.
I am opening the door.


to hate

Indicative Imperfect
yo: Yo abro la puerto.
I am opening the door.


to hate

Indicative Present Continuous
yo: Yo abro la puerto.
I am opening the door.


to hate

Indicative Informal Future
yo: Yo abro la puerto.
I am opening the door.


to hate

Indicative Future
yo: Yo abro la puerto.
I am opening the door.


to hate

Indicative Conditional
yo: Yo abro la puerto.
I am opening the door.


to hate

Indicative Present Perfect
yo: Yo abro la puerto.
I am opening the door.


to hate

Indicative Past Perfect
yo: Yo abro la puerto.
I am opening the door.


to hate

Indicative Future Perfect
yo: Yo abro la puerto.
I am opening the door.


to hate

Indicative Conditional Perfect
yo: Yo abro la puerto.
I am opening the door.


to hate

Subjunctive Present
yo: Yo abro la puerto.
I am opening the door.


to hate

Subjunctive Imperfect
yo: Yo abro la puerto.
I am opening the door.


to hate

Subjunctive Future
yo: Yo abro la puerto.
I am opening the door.


to hate

Subjunctive Present Perfect
yo: Yo abro la puerto.
I am opening the door.


to hate

Subjunctive Past Perfect
yo: Yo abro la puerto.
I am opening the door.


to hate

Subjunctive Future Perfect
yo: Yo abro la puerto.
I am opening the door.


to hate

Imperative Affirmative
yo: Yo abro la puerto.
I am opening the door.


to hate

Indicative Present
yo: Odio la guerra contra las drogas.
I hate the war on drugs.
tu: Odias la guerra contra las drogas
You hate the war on drugs.
el/ella: Odia la guerra contra las drogas.
He/she/it hates the war on drugs.
nosotros: Nosotros odiamos la guerra contra las drogas.
We hate the war on drugs.
ellos/ellas: Ellos odian la guerra contra las drogas.
They hate the war on drugs.


to hate

Indicative Preterite
yo: Odié la guerra contra las drogas.
I hated the war on drugs.
tu: Odiaste la guerra contra las drogas.
You hated the war on drugs.
el/ella: Odió la guerra contra las drogas.
He/she/it hated the war on drugs.
nosotros: Nosotros odiamos la guerra contra las drogas.
We hated the war on drugs.
ellos/ellas: Ellos odiaron la guerra contra las drogas.
They hated the war on drugs.


to hate

Indicative Imperfect
yo: Odiaba la guerra contra las drogas.
I used to hate the war on drugs.
tu: Odiabas la guerra contra las drogas.
You used to hate the war on drugs.
el/ella: Odiaba la guerra de las drogas.
He/she/it used to hate the war on drugs.
nosotros: Odiábamos la guerra contra las drogas.
We used to hate the war on drugs.
ellos/ellas: Odiaban la guerra contra las drogas.
They used to hate the war on drugs.


to hate

Indicative Present Continuous
yo: Estoy odiando la guerra contra las drogas.
I am hating the war on drugs.
tu: Estás odiando la guerra contra las drogas.
You are hating the war on drugs.
el/ella: Está odiando la guerra contra las drogas.
He/she/it is hating the war on drugs.
nosotros: Estamos odiando la guerra contra las drogas.
We are hating the war on drugs.
ellos/ellas: Están odiando la guerra contra las drogas.
They are hating the war on drugs.


to hate

Indicative Informal Future
yo: Voy a odiar la guerra contra las drogas.
I am going to hate the war on drugs.
tu: Vas a odiar la guerra contra las drogas.
You are going to hate the war on drugs.
el/ella: Va a odiar la guerra contra las drogas.
He/she/it is going to hate the war on drugs.
nosotros: Vamos a odiar la guerra contra las drogas.
We are going to hate the war on drugs.
ellos/ellas: Van a odiar la guerra contra las drogas.
They are going to hate the war on drugs.


to hate

Indicative Future
yo: Odiaré la guerra contra las drogas.
I will hate the war on drugs.
tu: Odiarás la guerra contra las drogas.
You will hate the war on drugs.
el/ella: Odiará la guerra contra las drogas.
He/she/it will hate the war on drugs.
nosotros: Odiaremos la guerra contra las drogas.
We will hate the war on drugs.
ellos/ellas: Odiarán la guerra contra las drogas.
They will hate the war on drugs.


to hate

Indicative Conditional
yo: Odiaría la guerra contra las drogas.
I would hate the war on drugs.
tu: Odiarías la guerra contra las drogas.
You would hate the war on drugs.
el/ella: Odiaría la guerra contra las drogas.
He/she/it would hate the war on drugs.
nosotros: Odiaríamos la guerra contra las drogas.
We would hate the war on drugs.
ellos/ellas: Odiarían la guerra contra las drogas.
They would hate the war on drugs.


to hate

Indicative Present Perfect
yo: He odiado la guerra contra las drogas.
I have hated the war on drugs.
tu: Has odiado la guerra contra las drogas.
You have hated the war on drugs.
el/ella: Ha odiado la guerra contra las drogas.
He/she/it has hated the war on drugs.
nosotros: Hemos odiado la guerra contra las drogas.
We have hated the war on drugs.
ellos/ellas: Han odiado la guerra contra las drogas.
They have hated the war on drugs.


to hate

Indicative Past Perfect
yo: Había odiado la guerra contra las drogas.
I had hated the war on drugs.
tu: Habías odiado la guerra contra las drogas.
You had hated the war on drugs.
el/ella: Había odiado la guerra contra las drogas.
He/she/it had hated the war on drugs.
nosotros: Habíamos odiado la guerra contra las drogas.
We had hated the war on drugs.
ellos/ellas: Habían odiado la guerra contra las drogas.
They had hated the war on drugs.


to hate

Indicative Future Perfect
yo: Habré odiado la guerra contra las drogas.
I will have hated the war on drugs.
tu: Habrás odiado la guerra contra las drogas.
You will have hated the war on drugs.
el/ella: Habrá odiado la guerra contra las drogas.
He/she/it will have hated the war on drugs.
nosotros: Habremos odiado la guerra contra las drogas.
We will have hated the war on drugs.
ellos/ellas: Habrán odiado la guerra contra las drogas.
They will have hated the war on drugs.


to hate

Indicative Conditional Perfect
yo: Habría odiado la guerra contra las drogas.
I would have hated the war on drugs.
tu: Habrías odiado la guerra contra las drogas.
You would have hated the war on drugs.
el/ella: Habría odiado la guerra contra las drogas.
He/she/it would have hated the war on drugs.
nosotros: Habríamos odiado la guerra contra las drogas.
We would have hated the war on drugs.
ellos/ellas: Habrían odiado la guerra contra las drogas.
They would have hated the war on drugs.


to hate

Subjunctive Present
yo: Odie la guerra contra las drogas.
I hate the war on drugs.
tu: Odies la guerra contra las drogas.
You hate the war on drugs.
el/ella: Odie la guerra contra las drogas.
He/she/it hates the war on drugs.
nosotros: Odiemos la guerra contra las drogas.
We hate the war on drugs.
ellos/ellas: Odien la guerra contra las drogas.
They hate the war on drugs.


to hate

Subjunctive Imperfect
yo: Odiara la guerra contra las drogas.
I hated the war on drugs.
tu: Odiaras la guerra contra las drogas.
You hated the war on drugs.
el/ella: Odiara la guerra contra las drogas.
He/she/it hated the war on drugs.
nosotros: Odiáramos la guerra contra las drogas.
We hated the war on drugs.
ellos/ellas: Odiaran la guerra contra las drogas.
They hated the war on drugs.


to hate

Subjunctive Future
yo: Odiare la guerra contra las drogas.
I will hate the war on drugs.
tu: Odiares la guerra contra las drogas.
You will hate the war on drugs.
el/ella: Odiare la guerra contra las drogas.
He/she/it will hate the war on drugs.
nosotros: Odiáremos la guerra contra las drogas.
We will hate the war on drugs.
ellos/ellas: Odiaren la guerra contra las drogas.
They will hate the war on drugs.


to hate

Subjunctive Present Perfect
yo: Haya odiado la guerra contra las drogas.
I have hated the war on drugs.
tu: Hayas odiado la guerra contra las drogas.
You have hated the war on drugs.
el/ella: Haya odiado la guerra contra las drogas.
He/she/it has hated the war on drugs.
nosotros: Hayamos odiado la guerra contra las drogas.
We have hated the war on drugs.
ellos/ellas: Hayan odiado la guerra contra las drogas.
They have hated the war on drugs.


to hate

Subjunctive Past Perfect
yo: Hubiera odiado la guerra contra las drogas.
I hated the war on drugs.
tu: Hubieras odiado la guerra contra las drogas.
You had hated the war on drugs.
el/ella: Hubiera odiado la guerra contra las drogas.
He/she/it had hated the war on drugs.
nosotros: Hubiéramos odiado la guerra contra las drogas.
We had hated the war on drugs.
ellos/ellas: Hubiéramos odiado la guerra contra las drogas.
They had hated the war on drugs.


to hate

Subjunctive Future Perfect
yo: Odiare la guerra contra las drogas.
I will hate the war on drugs.
tu: Odiares la guerra contra las drogas.
You will hate the war on drugs.
el/ella: Odiare la guerra contra las drogas.
He/she/it will hate the war on drugs.
nosotros: Odiáremos la guerra contra las drogas.
We will hate the war on drugs.
ellos/ellas: Odiaren la guerra contra las drogas.
They will hate the war on drugs.


to hate

Imperative Affirmative
tu: Odia la guerra contra las drogas.
Hate the war on drugs!
el/ella: Odie la guerra contra las drogas.
Hate the war on drugs!
nosotros: Odiemos la guerra contra las drogas!
Let's hate the war on drugs!
ellos/ellas: Odien la guerra contra las drogas.
Hate the war on drugs!

Next essay: Dragnet meets the Drug War

More Essays Here

Some Tweets against the hateful war on drugs

Folks who believe in the drug war should consider that it is a multi-billion-dollar campaign to enforce the attitude of the Pizarro's of the world when it comes to non-western medicines. It is the apotheosis of the colonialism that most people claim to hate.
The Drug War has turned America into the world's first "Indignocracy," where our most basic rights can be vetoed by a misinformed public. That's how scheming racist politicians put an end to the 4th amendment to the US Constitution.
Meanwhile, no imaginable downside could persuade westerners that guns and alcohol were too dangerous. Yet the DEA lies about almost all psychoactive drugs, saying there are no good uses. That's a lie! Then they pass laws that keep us from disproving their puritanical conclusion.
A Pennsylvanian politician now wants the US Army to "fight fentanyl." The guy is anthropomorphizing a damn drug! No wonder pols don't want to spend money on education, because any educated country would laugh a superstitious guy like that right out of public office.
My approach to withdrawal: incrementally reduce daily doses over 6 months, or even a year, meanwhile using all the legal entheogens and psychedelics that you can find in a way likely to boost your endurance and "sense of purpose" to make withdrawal successful.
I could tell my psychiatrist EXACTLY what would "cure" my depression, even without getting addicted, but everything involved is illegal. It has to be. Otherwise I would have no need of the psychiatrist.
The existence of a handful of bad outcomes of drug use does not justify substance prohibition... any more than the existence of drunkards justifies a call for liquor prohibition. Instead, we need to teach safe use and offer a wide choice of uncontaminated psychoactive drugs.
I've been told by many that I should have seen "my doctor" before withdrawing from Effexor. But, A) My doctor got me hooked on the junk in the first place, and, B) That doctor completely ignores the OBVIOUS benefits of indigenous meds and focuses only on theoretical downsides.
It's funny to hear fans of sacred plants indignantly insisting that their meds are not "drugs." They're right in a way, but actually NO substances are "drugs." Calling substances "drugs" is like referring to striking workers as "scabs." It's biased terminology.
There's more than set and setting: there's fundamental beliefs about the meaning of life and about why mother nature herself is full of psychoactive substances. Tribal peoples associate some drugs with actual sentient entities -- that is far beyond "set and setting."
More Tweets

Listen to the Drug War Philosopher as he tells you how you can support his work to end the hateful drug war -- and, ideally, put the DEA on trial for willfully lying about godsend medicines! (How? By advertising on this page right c'here!)

front cover of Drug War Comic Book

Buy the Drug War Comic Book by the Drug War Philosopher Brian Quass, featuring 150 hilarious op-ed pics about America's disgraceful war on Americans

You have been reading an article entitled, Learn Drug War Spanish Here: Aprende español sobre la guerra contra las drogas aquí., published on June 30, 2024 on For more information about America's disgraceful drug war, which is anti-patient, anti-minority, anti-scientific, anti-mother nature, imperialistic, the establishment of the Christian Science religion, a violation of the natural law upon which America was founded, and a childish and counterproductive way of looking at the world, one which causes all of the problems that it purports to solve, and then some, visit the drug war philosopher, at (philosopher's bio; go to top of this page)