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Kevin Sabet can Kiss My Effexor Prescription

by Ballard Quass, the Drug War Philosopher

July 20, 2023

"The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity."
-- William Butler Yates

I just saw a Tweet promoting Kevin Sabet's appearance on some national talk show, wherein Kevin Sabet continues to channel the hypocritical narrow-mindedness of William Bennett in defense of the indefensible: namely the outlawing of Mother Nature. Rather than waste my time concocting a reply Tweet that Kevin's sure not to see -- he's too busy keeping medical godsends from folks like myself -- I decided to post the following message on the comment form of his website.

Of course, he's probably got an agent by now who is preventing him from hearing back from those whose lives he is ruining, but I think there's a marginally greater chance that he'll see such a comment than a reply Tweet. And if Lady Luck lets me down, then at least one reader is sure to find these effusions of mine illuminating. (You perhaps?)

Your Drug War resulted in the election of Donald Trump by removing millions of minorities from the voting rolls. Free Mother Nature. Read John Locke. Government has no right over Mother Nature. It belongs to us all. It is not the government's to dole out or withhold. People like you have forced me to go an entire lifetime without godsend medicines, shunting me off onto antidepressants on which 1 in 4 women are dependent for life.

That's a modern Stepford Wives, but you're blind to it. And you expect me to pay attention to your sniping at "weed." If you don't want people to use "weed," re-legalize mother nature and give them a choice.

We live in the biggest drug dystopia of all time: 1 in 4 women on antidepressants -- but you have nothing to say about it.

Meanwhile you are killing young people by prohibition, which ensures that drug supply is unsafe.

People want self-transcendence. Get over it. William James said we must investigate the realms of consciousness created by these drugs. But fearmongers like you censor science. In fact, if you had been around in 1500 BC, there would be no Hindu religion, because you would have outlawed the psychoactive soma that inspired it.-

You and your "science." Science is political in the age of the Drug War.

Next essay: How Addiction Scientists Reckon without the Drug War
Previous essay: Synthetic Panics

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If drug war logic made sense, we would outlaw endless things in addition to drugs. Because the drug war says that it's all worth it if we can save just one life -- which is generally the life of a white suburban young person, btw.
NEW TERM FOR LOGIC CLASSES: "The Oprah Winfrey Fallacy," which is the idea that a statistically insignificant number of cases constitutes a crisis, provided ONLY that the villain of the piece is something that racist politicians have demonized as a "drug."

All drugs have positive uses at some dose, for some reason, at some time -- but prohibitionists have the absurd idea that drugs can be voted up or down. This anti-scientific notion deprives the modern world of countless godsends.
If politicians wanted to outlaw coffee, a bunch of Kevin Sabets would come forward and start writing books designed to scare us off the drink by cherry-picking negative facts from scientific studies.

Today's Washington Post reports that "opioid pills shipped" DROPPED 45% between 2011 and 2019..... while fatal overdoses ROSE TO RECORD LEVELS! Prohibition is PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE.
Prohibitionists having nothing to say about all other dangerous activities: nothing about hunting, free climbing, hang-gliding, sword swallowing, free diving, skateboarding, sky-diving, chug-a-lug competitions, chain-smoking. Their "logic" is incoherent.
Drugs like opium and psychedelics should come with the following warning: "Outlawing of this product may result in inner-city gunfire, civil wars overseas, and rigged elections in which drug warriors win office by throwing minorities in jail."
If we let "science" decide about drugs, i.e. base freedom on health concerns, then tea can be as easily outlawed as beer. The fact that horses are not illegal shows that prohibition is not about health. It's about the power to outlaw certain "ways of being in the world."
The formula is easy: pick a substance that folks are predisposed to hate anyway, then keep hounding the public with stories about tragedies somehow related to that substance. Show it ruining lives in movies and on TV. Don't lie. Just keep showing all the negatives.
Then folks like Sabet will accuse folks like myself of ignoring the "facts." No, it is Sabet who is ignoring the facts -- facts about dangerous horses and free climbing. He's also ignoring all the downsides of prohibition, whose laws lead to the election of tyrants.
I think there needs to be a law -- or at least an understanding -- that it's always wrong to demonize drugs in the abstract. That's anti-scientific. It begs so many questions and leaves suffering pain patients (and others) high and dry. No substance is bad in and of itself.
When we say so, we knowingly blind ourselves to all sorts of potential benefits to humankind. Morphine can provide a vivid appreciation of mother nature in properly disposed minds. That should be seen as a benefit. Instead, dogma tells us that we must hate morphine for any use.
I might as well say that no one can ever be taught to ride a horse safely. I would argue as follows: "Look at Christopher Reeves. He was a responsible and knowledgeable equestrian. But he couldn't handle horses. The fact is, NO ONE can handle horses!"
That's the problem with prohibition. It is not ultimately a health question but a question about priorities and sensibilities -- and those topics are open to lively debate and should not be the province of science, especially when natural law itself says mother nature is ours.
I personally hate beets and I could make a health argument against their legality. Beets can kill for those allergic to them. Sure, it's a rare condition, but since when has that stopped a prohibitionist from screaming bloody murder?
I can think of no greater intrusion than to deny one autonomy over how they think and feel in life. It is sort of a meta-intrusion, the mother of all anti-democratic intrusions.
Enforced by the blatantly rights-crushing solicitation of urine from the king's subjects, as if to underscore the fact that your very digestive system is controlled by the state.
Until prohibition ends, rehab is all about enforcing a Christian Science attitude toward psychoactive medicines (with the occasional hypocritical exception of Big Pharma meds).
When folks die in horse-related accidents, we need to be asking: who sold the victim the horse? We've got to crack down on folks who peddle this junk -- and ban books like Black Beauty that glamorize horse use.
Democratic societies need to outlaw prohibition for many reasons, the first being the fact that prohibition removes millions of minorities from the voting rolls, thereby handing elections to fascists and insurrectionists.
Prohibition turned habituation into addiction by creating a wide variety of problems for users, including potential arrest, tainted or absent drug supply, and extreme stigmatization.
The goal of drug-law reform should be to outlaw prohibition. Anything short of that, and our basic rights will always be subject to veto by fearmongers. Outlawing prohibition would restore the Natural Law of Jefferson, which the DEA scorned in 1987 with its raid on Monticello.
Philip Jenkins reports that Rophynol had positive uses for treating mental disorders until the media called it the "date rape drug." We thus punished those who were benefitting from the drug, tho' the biggest drug culprit in date rape is alcohol. Oprah spread the fear virally.
This is the "Oprah fallacy," which has led to so much suffering. She told women they were fools if they accepted a drink from a man. That's crazy. If we are terrified by such a statistically improbable event, we should be absolutely horrified by horses and skateboards.
This hysterical reaction to rare negative events actually creates more rare negative events. This is why the DEA publicizes "drug problems," because by making them well known, they make the problems more prevalent and can thereby justify their huge budget.
The Partnership for a Death Free America is launching a campaign to celebrate the 50th year of Richard Nixon's War on Drugs. We need to give credit where credit's due for the mass arrest of minorities, the inner city gun violence and the civil wars that it's generated overseas.
In 1886, coca enthusiast JJ Tschudi referred to prohibitionists as 'kickers.' He wrote: "If we were to listen to these kickers, most of us would die of hunger, for the reason that nearly everything we eat or drink has fallen under their ban."
Drug Warriors never take responsibility for incentivizing poor kids throughout the west to sell drugs. It's not just in NYC and LA, it's in modest-sized towns in France. Find public housing, you find drug dealing. It's the prohibition, damn it!
I don't believe in the materialist paradigm upon which SSRIs were created, according to which humans are interchangeable chemical robots amenable to the same treatment for human sadness. Let me use laughing gas and MDMA and coca and let the materialists use SSRIs.
What prohibitionists forget is that every popular but dangerous activity, from horseback riding to drug use, will have its victims. You cannot save everybody, and when you try to do so by law, you kill far more than you save, meanwhile destroying democracy in the process.
Prohibition is based on two huge lies: 1) that there are no benefits to drug use; and 2) that there are no downsides to prohibition.
The 1932 movie "Scarface" starts with on-screen text calling for a crackdown on armed gangs in America. There is no mention of the fact that a decade's worth of Prohibition had created those gangs in the first place.
The worst form of government is not communism, socialism or even unbridled capitalism. The worst form of government is a Christian Science Theocracy, in which the government controls how much you are allowed to think and feel in life.
The Shipiba have learned to heal human beings physically, psychologically and spiritually with what they call "onanyati," plant allies and guides, such as Bobinsana, which "envelops seekers in a cocoon of love." You know: what the DEA would call "junk."

essays about

The Infuriating Philosophical Idiocy of Kevin Sabet
Kevin Sabet and What-About-Ism
The Pseudoscience of Mental Health Treatment
Ignorance is the enemy, not Fentanyl
Drugs: the great American scapegoat
How the drug war promotes drug abuse
America's Blind Spot

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Kevin Sabet and Drug War 2.0
Why Kevin Sabet's approach to drugs is racist, anti-scientific and counterproductive
Kevin Sabet and What-About-Ism
Questions for Kevin Sabet
Why Kevin Sabet is Wrong
The Infuriating Philosophical Idiocy of Kevin Sabet

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How Prohibition Causes Immense Unnecessary Suffering
Prohibition Spectrum Disorder
Prohibitionists Never Learn
What Obama got wrong about drugs
When Drug Warriors cry 'Censorship!'
The Infuriating Philosophical Idiocy of Kevin Sabet
Kevin Sabet and What-About-Ism
Why Kevin Sabet's approach to drugs is racist, anti-scientific and counterproductive
The Problem with Following the Science
Kevin Sabet and Drug War 2.0
Questions for Kevin Sabet
Partnership for a Death Free America
Thought Crimes Blotter
One Long Argument for legalizing drugs
The Book of the Damned continued
The Problem is Prohibition, not Fentanyl

front cover of Drug War Comic Book

Buy the Drug War Comic Book by the Drug War Philosopher Brian Quass, featuring 150 hilarious op-ed pics about America's disgraceful war on Americans

You have been reading an article entitled, Kevin Sabet can Kiss My Effexor Prescription published on July 20, 2023 on For more information about America's disgraceful drug war, which is anti-patient, anti-minority, anti-scientific, anti-mother nature, imperialistic, the establishment of the Christian Science religion, a violation of the natural law upon which America was founded, and a childish and counterproductive way of looking at the world, one which causes all of the problems that it purports to solve, and then some, visit the drug war philosopher, at (philosopher's bio; go to top of this page)