This discovery about fluvoxamine is a mixed blessing at best for a 64-year-old like myself who has been addicted to Big Pharma antidepressants for a lifetime. For all we know, natural and less-addictive antidepressants (from coca, to opium, to psychedelics) may have similar powers to combat COVID, but scientists are FORBIDDEN BY LAW to study such plants in the same detail in which we study drugs like fluvoxamine. FORBIDDEN BY LAW!
When is Science News going to start "coming clean" to their readers about the role that the Drug War plays in limiting scientific research on these sorts of problems? The anti-scientific Drug War has been muzzling scientists (albeit largely with their consent) for close to a century now. You say, "Oh, but we're dealing with SCIENTIFIC drugs!" Yes, the same kind of scientific drugs that have turned 1 in 4 American women into Stepford Wives by making them chemically dependent on BIG PHARMA FOR LIFE.
Why doesn't your article point out the true price of treating COVID with a Big Pharma antidepressant: namely, becoming addicted for life and becoming a ward of the healthcare state?
Please start to be honest with your readers and append a disclaimer to all such articles as this as follows:
"The research on treatments for COVID, like so much research these days, has been limited by the Drug War, which forbids and otherwise discourages all research regarding the therapeutic potential of plant medicine of which politicians disapprove."
The anti-scientific Drug War will never end if we refuse to acknowledge that it even exists! If you really think that the Church was wrong in censoring Galileo, then why are you not speaking up now about the government censoring you and the researchers that you study?!
In short, Science News has a moral and a scientific duty to start pointing out the role that the Drug War plays in limiting research -- a limit that is so successful that scientists and reporters like Esther have internalized the limitation and now consider the Drug War to be a natural baseline for all scientific research. If Galileo had reacted thus in his day, we would still be living in a geocentric universe.
Author's Follow-up: August 15, 2022
After acknowledging that science is hobbled by Drug War restrictions, Science News might wish to write a story about the thousands of children in hospice worldwide who suffer unnecessary pain every single day thanks to the Drug War and the way that it demonizes drugs. Morphine is now illegal in some 'civilized' countries in fealty to the Drug War ideology of demonization, forcing dying children to suffer unbelievable pain in the name of America's war on godsend medicines. Children suffer and die so that Big Liquor, Big Pharma and Big Police can maintain their grip on power around the globe -- all thanks to America's criminal and anti-scientific war on godsend medicine.
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There are longstanding anecdotal reports of how opium can cure colds, but American scientists will never investigate those claims, not just because of the Drug War, which makes it career suicide to do so, but because the results thus alleged are produced in a very novel way. You see, opium brings about metaphorical dreams that allow you to see your problems -- including seemingly physical ones -- in a new light, and to vanquish those problems metaphorically. Opium thereby can leverage the mind's already significant power to outwit disease through concentrated thought, the same way that yogis can avoid the pain of burning embers through intense mental will.
Such an approach to healing is a non-starter for reductionist science, however. But luckily for materialists, the Drug War allows them to declare victory over such approaches to illness prematurely by outlawing them entirely. So a lot of the modern materialist's bluster about knowing the absolute truth these days is based on the fact that the opposition approach to the world has been outlawed. "See?" they cry. "No one cures or improves their condition through opium." "Yes," we reply, "because the Drug War will not allow them to do so and thereby creatively leverage the power of the mind."
We need to stop using the fact that people like opiates as an excuse to launch a crackdown on inner cities. We need to re-legalize popular meds, teach safe use, and come up with common sense ways to combat addictions by using drugs to fight drugs.
It's amazing. Drug law is outlawing science -- and yet so few complain. Drug law tells us what mushrooms we can collect, for God's sake. Is that not straight-up insane? Or are Americans so used to being treated as children that they accept this corrupt status quo?
We don't need people to get "clean." We need people to start living a fulfilling life. The two things are different.
Even the worst forms of "abuse" can be combatted with a wise use of a wide range of psychoactive drugs, to combat both physical and psychological cravings. But drug warriors NEED addiction to be a HUGE problem. That's their golden goose.
The MindMed company (makers of LSD Lite) tell us that euphoria and visions are "adverse effects": that's not science, that's an arid materialist philosophy that does not believe in spiritual transcendence.
If drug war logic made sense, we would outlaw endless things in addition to drugs. Because the drug war says that it's all worth it if we can save just one life -- which is generally the life of a white suburban young person, btw.
A law proposed in Colorado in February 2024 would have criminalized positive talk about drugs online. What? The world is on the brink of nuclear war because of hate-driven politics, and I can be arrested for singing the praises of empathogens?
The sad fact is that America regularly arrests people whose only crime is that they are keeping performance anxiety at bay... in such a way that psychiatrists are not getting THEIR cut.
There are plenty of "prima facie" reasons for believing that we could eliminate most problems with drug and alcohol withdrawal by chemically aided sleep cures combined with using "drugs" to fight "drugs." But drug warriors don't want a fix, they WANT drug use to be a problem.
Why does no one talk about empathogens for preventing atrocities? Because they'd rather hate drugs than use them for the benefit of humanity. They don't want to solve problems, they prefer hatred.
Buy the Drug War Comic Book by the Drug War Philosopher Brian Quass, featuring 150 hilarious op-ed pics about America's disgraceful war on Americans
You have been reading an article entitled, The Drug War Cure for Covid: response to Esther Landhuis' story in Science News, published on October 28, 2021 on For more information about America's disgraceful drug war, which is anti-patient, anti-minority, anti-scientific, anti-mother nature, imperialistic, the establishment of the Christian Science religion, a violation of the natural law upon which America was founded, and a childish and counterproductive way of looking at the world, one which causes all of the problems that it purports to solve, and then some, visit the drug war philosopher, at (philosopher's bio; go to top of this page)