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The Poorly Hidden Materialist Agenda at Scientific American

in response to the September 2024 issue

by Ballard Quass, the Drug War Philosopher

September 16, 2024

egarding Pain Relievers:

People want inspiration! Until modern psychology admits this simple truth, your search for the perfect pain medicine (ones that do not inspire) will also be political in nature. And why is it bad for me to take opium daily when it is good for me to take antidepressants daily? There is no moral difference. Drug warriors do not want me to be free to dream! They ultimately WANT people to be depressed so that scientists can "cure" that disease, rather than to allow people to be happy, like Ben Franklin, without the help of the scientific community and all their "experts" on depression.

It was the Drug War that created the big problems of addiction: people used opium peaceably at home before 1914. Now they're in the streets, because the Drug War put them there. But of course the Drug Warrior blames this (and all the other downsides of prohibition) on the drugs themselves. We can wait for human psychology to change, for people to give up on self-transcendence and new religions, or we can end the hateful War on Drugs, which is a de facto war on behalf of the drug-hating Christian Science religion -- and a way to support the suppression of indigenous ways of healing.

Regarding AI:

Your love for AI is odd! Why don't we first see what we can accomplish with all the mind-improving and mind-expanding medicines that we have outlawed, before we turn human beings into robots for the sake of efficiency?

PS All your articles about consciousness, addiction, and depression should come with a disclaimer: namely, that the Sci-Am Editors are taking the massively censored psychoactive pharmacy of the Drug War as a natural baseline for the study of these topics. Until you start doing this, you are being scientifically false while helping to normalize the hateful Drug War.


Materialist scientists collaborate with the drug war by refusing to see glaringly obvious drug benefits. They acknowledge only those benefits that they believe are visible under a microscope. The Hindu religion would not exist today had materialist scientists held soma to such a standard. But that's the absurd pass to which prohibition eventually brings us in a society wherein materialist science is the new god: scientists are put in charge of deciding whether we are allowed to imagine new religions or not.

This materialist bias is inspired in turn by behaviorism, the anti-indigenous doctrine of JB Watson that makes the following inhumane claim:

"Concepts such as belief and desire are heritages of a timid savage past akin to concepts referring to magic."

According to this view, the hopes and the dreams of a "patient" are to be ignored. Instead, we are to chart their physiology and brain chemistry.

JB Watson's Behaviorism is a sort of Dr. Spock with a vengeance. It is the perfect ideology for a curmudgeon, because it would seem to justify all their inability to deal with human emotions. Unfortunately, the attitude has knock-on effects because it teaches drug researchers to ignore common sense and to downplay or ignore all positive usage reports or historic lessons about positive drug use. The "patient" needs to just shut up and let the doctors decide how they are doing. It is a doctrine that dovetails nicely with drug war ideology, because it empowers the researcher to ignore the obvious: that all drugs that elate have potential uses as antidepressants.

That statement can only be denied when one assumes that "real" proof of efficacy of a psychoactive medicine must be determined by a doctor, and that the patient's only job is to shut up because their hopes and dreams and feelings cannot be accurately displayed and quantified on a graph or a bar chart.

  • A Quantum of Hubris
  • Assisted Suicide and the War on Drugs
  • Behaviorism and the War on Drugs
  • Beta Blockers and the Materialist Tyranny of the War on Drugs
  • Common Sense and the Drug War
  • Constructive criticism of the MAPS strategy for re-legalizing MDMA
  • David Chalmers and the Drug War
  • Five problems with The Psychedelic Handbook by Rick Strassman
  • How materialists turned me into a patient for life
  • How Scientific Materialism Keeps Godsend Medicines from the Depressed
  • I've got a bone to pick with Jim Hogshire
  • Materialism and the Drug War
  • Materialism and the Drug War Part II
  • MDMA and Depression
  • Open Letter to Dr. Carl L. Hart
  • Open letter to Wolfgang Smith
  • Replacing Psychiatry with Pharmacologically Savvy Shamanism
  • Science News Unveils Shock Therapy II
  • The Inhumanity of Drug Prohibition
  • The Poorly Hidden Materialist Agenda at Scientific American
  • Unscientific American: the hypocritical materialism of Elon Musk
  • William James rolls over in his grave as England bans Laughing Gas
  • Without Philosophy, Science becomes Scientism

  • computer screen with words DRUG WAR BLOG

    Next essay: Even Terence McKenna Was Wrong About MDMA
    Previous essay: Drug War Murderers

    More Essays Here

    Some Tweets against the hateful war on drugs

    There are no recreational drugs. Even laughing gas has rational uses because it gives us a break from morbid introspection. There are recreational USES of drugs, but the term "recreational" is often used to express our disdain for users who go outside the healthcare system.
    That's another problem with "following the science." Science downplays personal testimony as subjective. But psychoactive experiences are all ABOUT subjectivity. With such drugs, users are not widgets susceptible to the one-size-fits-all pills of reductionism.
    The Partnership for a Drug Free America should be put on trial for having blatantly lied to Americans in the 1980s about drugs, using our taxpayer money to do it!
    If the depressed patient laughs, that means nothing. Materialists have to see results under a microscopic or they will never sign off on a therapy.
    Imagine if there were drugs for which dependency was a feature, not a bug. People would stop peddling that junk, right? Wrong. Just ask your psychiatrist.
    I passed a sign that says "Trust Trump." What does that mean? Trust him to crack down on his opposition using the U.S. Army? Or trust him not to do all the anti-American things that he's saying he's going to do.
    In "Psychedelic Refugee," Rosemary Leary writes: "Fueled by small doses of LSD, almost everything was amusing or weird." -- Rosemary Leary In a non-brainwashed world, such testimony would suggest obvious ways to help the depressed.
    Unfortunately, the prohibitionist motto is: "Billions for arrest, not one cent for education." To the contrary, drug warriors are ideologically committed to withholding the truth about drugs from users.
    In fact, that's what we need when we finally return to legalization: educational documentaries showing how folks manage to safely incorporate today's hated substances into their life and lifestyle.
    And so, by ignoring all "up" sides to drugs, the DEA points to potential addiction as a knock-down argument for their prohibition. This is the logic of children (and uneducated children at that). It is a cost-benefit analysis that ignores all benefits.
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    front cover of Drug War Comic Book

    Buy the Drug War Comic Book by the Drug War Philosopher Brian Quass, featuring 150 hilarious op-ed pics about America's disgraceful war on Americans

    You have been reading an article entitled, The Poorly Hidden Materialist Agenda at Scientific American: in response to the September 2024 issue, published on September 16, 2024 on For more information about America's disgraceful drug war, which is anti-patient, anti-minority, anti-scientific, anti-mother nature, imperialistic, the establishment of the Christian Science religion, a violation of the natural law upon which America was founded, and a childish and counterproductive way of looking at the world, one which causes all of the problems that it purports to solve, and then some, visit the drug war philosopher, at (philosopher's bio; go to top of this page)