o I'm at Quality Inn in Harrisonburg, Virginia, right? I'm recovering from this morning's dental surgery for which I was 'knocked out', no doubt grudgingly by the otherwise drug-hating staff, with a narcotic (after having been lectured like a grade-schooler, of course about the detailed protocol that the recipient of such pharmaceutical magnanimity is expected to follow in the age of the Drug War).
So I'm poking about websites, looking to locate some escapist flick on the streaming platform of my choice, when I stumble across this seven-year-old YouTube video by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation with the highly irritating title, 'How fentanyl kills, a CBC explainer.' What? how fentanyl kills1? I never thought about that. I guess the capsules suddenly sprout arms and legs and come at you with a dagger, screaming:
"I'm going to get you!"
Worse yet, the video has received over 350,000 pairs of brainwashed eyeballs, 3500 likes, and 355 comments, all of which appeared to be positive -- although I dared not read them too closely less they prove too much for my weak post-operative tummy.
"Arggh!" I think to myself. "So much for relaxing."
"I simply HAVE to submit comment number 356 for the film on YouTube, will I or NILL I!"
So thinking, I pecked out the following dissenting opinion.
This is more Drug War propaganda. Drugs do not kill. Bad social policy kills. End the Drug War! Teach safe use. Stop demonizing medicines. Hundreds of hospitals in India have stopped using morphine and other pain meds because of the red tape caused by your fearmongering. Kids go without pain relief so that you can blame "drugs". The Partnership for a Drug Free America told us that drugs fry your brain. That was the biggest lie in the history of public service announcements. Prohibition kills2. It's lasted for 100 years and it's handed elections to fascists by jailing millions of minorities after luring the poor into an incredibly profitable drug trade. It's destroyed the rule of law in Latin America3. It's turned inner-cities into shooting galleries. It's censored academia. It was responsible for the election of Donald Trump4. END PROHIBITION. STOP YOUR ANTI-SCIENTIFIC DEMONIZATION OF SUBSTANCES
There. I hope I've got that out of my system, at least for tonight. Now on to that relaxing movie that I mentioned. looks like it's going to be 'mission, impossible - dead reckoning part one' with you-know-whom. As far as I can tell, it has nothing to do with drugs. I just hope that the producers have resisted the temptation to insert any throwaway lines or subplots designed to conform with the Christian Science mindset of the current inhabitant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Oh, and in case you're wondering, I'm feeling fine after surgery, or rather I was, until this braindead Canadian flick made me despair about the sorry state of North American newscasters when it comes to common-damn-sense in the age of the hateful war on godsend medicines, aka the War on Drugs.
Author's Follow-up: January 11, 2024
I am not trying to hate on my dentist, by the way. In fact, he was great. I feel surprisingly fine after the apparently gnarly procedure. I say "apparently" because I was "knocked out" at the time, but the mere description of the procedure would turn a stronger stomach than mine. I am only picking on the practice of modern dentistry as one of endless extant examples that illustrate the hypocrisy of the fearmongers who continue to destroy an ever-widening range of democratic principles with their superstitious ideology of substance demonization.
I did, however, have one slightly frightening experience, upon leaving the building after my surgery (I should perhaps say "theoretically frightening experience," because I was in a state wherein things were much more likely to appear curious to me than frightening). I had just awoken from my deep sleep when I was wheeled to the front door by one of the two personable dental assistants. She stopped in the hallway and turned me to face the dentist office parking lot through a transparent glass side door, assuring me in the process that "the truck will be here shortly to pick you up." At least that's what I heard her say.
And I was thinking to myself: "The truck? What truck? Were they so disgusted with my lack of dental hygiene that they decided to bump me off? Or is this some chop shop where they rob the patient blind and then haul them off to the New Jersey Pine Barrens to be done away with by the Mob?"
After about 15 seconds' worth of such bemused speculations, it occurred to me that my brother-in-law had driven me to the dentist that morning in his truck, and that his vehicle was probably even now approaching the side door in order to "collect me" (as the Brits would have it) in such a way as to minimize my need for unnecessary exertions.
That's it. Most of you can probably leave now. But I invite the "philosophy heads" in the audience to stay tuned for some nuanced elaboration on the above essay -- nuance being an unknown concept in the all-too-self-assured "mind" of the modern Drug Warrior.
With regard to drugs like fentanyl and oxy, it will be argued that Sackler and folks played a role in the opiate dystopia that has ensued. But these are what the philosopher would call "accidental" facts. They do not affect the points that I am trying to make. That is to say, we grant that many people will be tempted to take advantage of substance prohibition to make money in a highly questionable manner, but that should not distract us from the fact that prohibition created those opportunities in the first place. That is the overriding lesson here, because if Sackler was not the bad guy, there would be ten others to take his place. So while there is certainly a role for unveiling such details, it is not my job as a philosopher.
Mind you, there's nothing wrong with discussing the roles of such people. The problem is that most of the folks who do so are silent about the policy that enabled them: namely prohibition.
One way they're thrown off the trail is by clueless headlines that refer to fentanyl as a killer5. Such a headline is a big YES vote for more of the same prohibition attitude that has already led to countless deaths in North and South America, to the abandonment of Fourth Amendment protections, to the unnecessary suffering of hospice patients for lack of the proper pain medicine, etc. etc. etc.
Someone has to stand up and remind newscasters of the obvious: that inanimate objects are not killers, Drug War superstition to the contrary. The killers are the prohibitionists who first outlawed mother nature in violation of the natural law upon which America was founded.
Drug War Ghouls
The Drug War Ghouls get busy any time a well-known figure dies prematurely, especially when the figure in question is a rock star or actor. You can just hear them whispering childishly: "Aww! Were they on any drugs? Were they on any drugs?" The presumption behind such tittering is that drugs are evil and can only lead to death and destruction. Of course, those who hold this viewpoint always forget that the drug war does everything it can to make such outcomes of drug use a self-fulfilling prophecy by discouraging education about safe use and by ensuring corrupt and uncertain drug supply with their eternal kneejerk prohibition. This is all completely inexcusable. The drug warriors cause death. They are the villains. They are the criminals. Take the so-called opiate crisis. Young people were not dying en masse from opioids when such drugs were legal in the United States. It took prohibition to bring that about.
The drug war is the ultimate case of fearmongering. And yet academics and historians fail to recognize it as such. They will protest eloquently against the outrages of the witch hunts of yore, but they are blind to the witch hunts of the present. What is a drug dealer but a modern service magician, someone who sells psychoactive medicine designed to effect personal ends for the user? They are simply providing an alternative to materialistic medicine, which ignores common sense and so ignores the glaringly obvious value of such substances.
The media have done all they can to support the drug war by holding the use of outlawed substances to safety standards that are never applied to any other risky activity on earth, meanwhile ignoring the fact that prohibition encourages ignorance and leads to contaminated drug supply. Thousands of American young people die each month because of unregulated supply and ignorance, not from drugs themselves.
They also support the drug war by ignoring it. Just read any article on inner-city shootings or on the extraordinary violence that is forever breaking out in South America. It's all related to the fact that America, in its arrogance, taught the world to blame plant medicines for social problems. And there was no excuse. Liquor prohibition had already created the American Mafia: and yet the media sees no connection between the drug war and the violence judging by their news coverage.
They also have a field day superstitiously blaming drugs. It used to be PCP, ICE, oxy, crack, and now it's fentanyl... Movies are now personifying these drugs in the forms of Crack Raccoons and Meth Gators. America has become so superstitious and childish about drugs that it's sad -- and the media can take much of the blame.
Most people think that drugs like cocaine, MDMA, LSD and amphetamines can only be used recreationally. WRONG ! This represents a very naive understanding of human psychology. We deny common sense in order to cater to the drug war orthodoxy that "drugs have no benefits."
Getting off antidepressants can make things worse for only one reason: because we have outlawed all the drugs that could help with the transition. Right now, getting off any drug basically means becoming a drug-free Christian Scientist. No wonder withdrawal is hard.
"If England [were to] revert to pre-war conditions, when any responsible person, by signing his name in a book, could buy drugs at a fair profit on cost price... the whole underground traffic would disappear like a bad dream." -- Aleister Crowley
Before anyone receives shock therapy, they should have the option to start using opium daily instead and/or any other natural drug that makes them feel good and keeps them calm. Any natural drug is better than knowingly damaging the brain!!!
Rick Strassman reportedly stopped his DMT trials because some folks had bad experiences at high doses. That is like giving up on aspirin because high doses of NSAIDs can kill.
The problem with blaming things on addiction genes is that it whitewashes the role of society and its laws. It's easy to imagine an enlightened country wherein drug availability, education and attitudes make addiction highly unlikely, addiction genes or no addiction genes.
The most addictive drugs have a bunch of great uses, like treating pain and inspiring great literature. Prohibition causes addiction by making their use as problematic as possible and denying knowledge and choices. It's always wrong to blame drugs.
Trump is the prototypical drug warrior. He knows that he can destroy American freedoms by fearmongering. He has seen it work with the Drug War, which got rid of the 4th Amendment, religious freedom and is now going after free speech.
In an article about Mazatec mushroom use, the author says: "Mushrooms should not be considered a drug." He misses the point: NOTHING should be considered a drug: every substance has potential good uses.
In fact, that's what we need when we finally return to legalization: educational documentaries showing how folks manage to safely incorporate today's hated substances into their life and lifestyle.
Buy the Drug War Comic Book by the Drug War Philosopher Brian Quass, featuring 150 hilarious op-ed pics about America's disgraceful war on Americans
You have been reading an article entitled, Fentanyl does not kill! Prohibition does! published on January 10, 2024 on AbolishTheDEA.com. For more information about America's disgraceful drug war, which is anti-patient, anti-minority, anti-scientific, anti-mother nature, imperialistic, the establishment of the Christian Science religion, a violation of the natural law upon which America was founded, and a childish and counterproductive way of looking at the world, one which causes all of the problems that it purports to solve, and then some, visit the drug war philosopher, at abolishTheDEA.com. (philosopher's bio; go to top of this page)