t's disappointing that a documentary about Chicago gun violence would not even mention the social policy that caused it: namely the Drug War. At least that's the impression one gets from Jessica Kiang's six-paragraph review of the film in Variety, in which the word 'drugs' is not even mentioned.
It's as if Americans (documentary makers included) have become so indoctrinated in the drug-war ideology of substance demonization that they now take the Drug War as a natural baseline and therefore ignore its out-sized role in causing social problems: first and foremost the prevalence of gun violence in poor inner-city environments.
Inner-city violence will never end if we continue to ignore the single-most important reason that it exists in the first place.
Brian might have added that Lisa Ling from CNN did the exact same thing. She created a whole documentary about violence in Chicago ("This is Life with Lisa Ling: Chicago's History of Violence") and never ONCE mentioned the DRUG WAR! NOT ONCE! Is Lisa getting kickbacks from the DEA to remain quiet about this? Has she not heard how liquor prohibition created the American Mafia out of whole cloth? Can she really not understand that prohibition causes violence?
Thankfully, there are a rare few in the media who recognize this glaringly obvious fact, like Heather Ann Thompson of the Atlantic, who wrote in 2014 that: "Without the War on Drugs, the level of gun violence that plagues so many poor inner-city neighborhoods today simply would not exist."
Incidentally, Brian's too self-effacing to mention this, but do you know what? He has queried Variety NINE TIMES about the failure of his comments to appear on their digital page, and they have never so much as acknowledged his email. I betcha that Variety is thinking: "Oh, dear, we can't let this guy's comments appear: he's gonna start calling our reviewers out when it comes to those exciting Drug War movies!"
Well, no fear, Brian, I've got your back. (Let me know if you're free Wednesday night for a nice dish of stromboli!)
Drug War Movies
Hollywood supports the War on Drugs by refusing to show wise use while always depicting drug use in the worst possible light. Like all media, they refuse to show beneficial use -- and if they're not depicting drugs as dangerous dead-ends, they're at least showing use to be frivolous and dangerous. The producers kowtow to drug warrior sensibilities.
Scientists are not the experts on psychoactive medicines. The experts are painters and artists and spiritualists -- and anyone else who simply wants to be all they can be in life. Scientists understand nothing of such goals and aspirations.
They drive to their drug tests in pickup trucks with license plates that read "Don't tread on me." Yeah, right. "Don't tread on me: Just tell me how and how much I'm allowed to think and feel in this life. And please let me know what plants I can access."
I have nothing against science, BTW (altho' I might feel differently after a nuclear war!) I just want scientists to "stay in their lane" and stop pretending to be experts on my own personal mood and consciousness.
It's just plain totalitarian nonsense to outlaw mother nature and to outlaw moods and mental states thru drug law. These truths can't be said enough by us "little people" because the people in power are simply not saying them.
I think we should start taking names. All politicians and government officials who work to keep godsends like psilocybin from the public should be held to account for crimes against humanity when the drug war finally ends.
Do drug warriors realize that they are responsible for the deaths of young people on America's streets? Look in the mirror, folks: J'excuse! People were not dying en masse from opium overdoses when opiates were legal. It took prohibition to bring that about.
People say shrooms should not be used by those with a history of "mental illness." But that's one of the greatest potential benefits of shrooms! (They cured Stamets' teenage stuttering.) Some folks place safety first, but if I did that, I'd die long before using mother nature.
The formula is easy: pick a substance that folks are predisposed to hate anyway, then keep hounding the public with stories about tragedies somehow related to that substance. Show it ruining lives in movies and on TV. Don't lie. Just keep showing all the negatives.
This is why we would rather have a depressed person commit suicide than to use "drugs" -- because drugs, after all, are not dealing with the "real" problem. The patient may SAY that drugs make them feel good, but we need microscopes to find out if they REALLY feel good.
Typical materialist protocol. Take all the "wonder" out of the drug and sell it as a one-size-fits all "reductionist" cure for anxiety. Notice that they refer to hallucinations and euphoria as "adverse effects." What next? Communion wine with the religion taken out of it?
Buy the Drug War Comic Book by the Drug War Philosopher Brian Quass, featuring 150 hilarious op-ed pics about America's disgraceful war on Americans
You have been reading an article entitled, All these Sons: Another documentary that ignores the Drug War?, published on April 25, 2022 on AbolishTheDEA.com. For more information about America's disgraceful drug war, which is anti-patient, anti-minority, anti-scientific, anti-mother nature, imperialistic, the establishment of the Christian Science religion, a violation of the natural law upon which America was founded, and a childish and counterproductive way of looking at the world, one which causes all of the problems that it purports to solve, and then some, visit the drug war philosopher, at abolishTheDEA.com. (philosopher's bio; go to top of this page)